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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Top Ten Universities In The World

Sakshi Education


Rank University
1- Harvard University, USA
2- University of Cambridge, UK
3- Yale University, USA
4- University College London, UK
5- Imperial College London, UK
5- University of Oxford, UK
7- The University of Chicago, USA
8- Princeton University, USA
9- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
10- California Institute of Technology, USA


Rank University
1- The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
2- The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
3- The University of Tokyo, Japan
4- The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
5- Kyoto University, Japan
6- Osaka University, Japan
7- Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea
8- Seoul National University, South Korea
9- Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
10- National University of Singapore, Singapore
11- Peking University, China


Rank University
1- The University of Hong Kong
2- The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
3- The Chinese University of Hong Kong
4- Tsinghua University
5- Peking University
6- Fudan University
7- City University of Hong Kong
8- Shanghai Jiao Tong University
9- University of Science and Technology of China
10- Nanjing University


Rank University
1- Tsinghua University
2- Peking University
3- Zhejiang University
4- University of Science and Technology of China
5- Nanjing University
6- Fudan University
7- Shanghai Jiao Tong University
8- Beijing Normal University
9- Harbin Insititue of Technology
10- Nan'kai University
11 Renmin University of China


Rank University
1- Harvard University
2- Princeton University
3- Yale University
4- California Institute of Technology
5- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
6- Stanford University
7- University of Pennsylvania
8- Columbia University
9- The University of Chicago
10- Duke University


Rank University
1- University of Oxford
2- University of Cambridge
3- Imperial College London
4- University of St. Andrews
5- University College London
6- University of Warwick
7- London School of Economics
8- Durham University
9- University of Exeter
10- Bristol University


Rank University
1- Australian National University
2- The University of Melbourne
3- The University of Sydney
4- The University of Queensland
5- Monash University
6- The University of New South Wales
7- The University of Adelaide
8- The University of Western Australia
9- Macquarie University


Rank University
1- University of Toronto
2- University of Alberta
3- The University of British Columbia
4- Université de Montréal
5- McGill University
6- McMaster University
7- Université Laval
8- University of Ottawa
9- University of Calgary
10- The University of Western Ontario

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Interview Tips - 6Ps to approach your Interview

Sakshi Education

It is extremely essential that you are well prepared for an interview. We have defined six easy pointers to a successful interview in ‘6 Ps’. These are broadly identified for simple recollection and are not exhaustive.

However, every interview is a step towards getting closer to the ultimate goal, which is the offer letter. So do keep in mind the following while you are gearing up for an interview.







Punctuality is the first perception the interviewer gets about

the candidate.

Come to the venue a good fifteen minutes before the

scheduled time.

Take sometime off to go through your resume once again and

also the company profile.

Presentation of oneself is of prime importance though many may

not be aware.

As you may not be aware of the company’s dress code, wear

smart formals in which you are comfortable.

Do not use too strong a deodorant or perfume.

Be well groomed. Look at yourself from head to toe and step

out only if you feel totally satisfied.

Stand straight, relaxed and with a slight smile.

Preface is crucial. So do be cordial while introducing yourself.

Firstly, introduce yourself with your name and make sure your

eyes meet that of the interviewer. This reflects your confidence.

Shake a hand with the interviewer and be sure to be firm while

doing so.

Preparation by equipping yourself with relevant information about the company in which you are attending the interview is crucial.

Be specific, interviewers are generally looking out for statistics and

revenue numbers.

Make sure you are also well aware of your current company’s

specifics as well.

Having competitor information is a definite plus point and shows

that your knowledge of the industry as a whole is well aligned.

Don’t sound brash while showcasing your knowledge.

Proficiency at an interview is derived from practice or rehearsals before the interview.

Try mock interviews with a friend or you could also use the mirror

as a substitute.

These rehearsals help instill a good amount of confidence and

dramatically reduce the chances of you being nervous.

Always know your strengths and weaknesses and be sure to back

it up with adequate instances.

Never bring out a situation where you have failed. Always speak of

challenges for which creative solutions were found.

Be aware that your interviewer will be very interested to know

about how well your action/reactions would have induced a

situation or the outcome itself.

Do not make up scenarios; you could be against a wall with a

small slip.

Phraseology of the body or more commonly ‘body language’

plays an important role while facing interviews as much as verbal

communication if not more. One’s body language must communicate

attentiveness, enthusiasm and confidence.

Make eye contact and periodically break away. Do not look at

the floor.

While sitting in your chair sit straight, leaning might convey

lethargy. An upright posture exudes confidence.

Always be positive about the way you deliver and the content of

your conversation.

Avoid using movements that takes the interviewer’s attention

away from your face.

Do not move your hands wildly or keep them behind your head or

reclining on your chair.

The above mentioned ‘Ps’ are just a few pointers on how you could

make better the interview experience better for yourself. It helps you

proactively prepare yourself to make a positive impression upon your

interviewer. However, there is no substitute for relevant experience,

expertise and domain knowledge. So equip yourself for questions on

these spheres which will ultimately determine the outcome of

the interview.

Wishing you all the very best.

This article is exclusively for Sakshi Education readers. If you like this, say thanks to by writing comments.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Civil Engineering in Practice

Civil Engineering in Practice

Sakshi Education

Educational Institutes followed and developed curriculum that existed for the purpose of instructing persons, who may choose to apply themselves, in the application of science to the common purposes of life. Applying science to everyday life requires both theory and hands-on practicum. While some institutes lend itself to classroom learning, others emphasized learning with practice in the physical laboratory. Designing a laboratory experience without clear instructional objectives is like designing a product without a clear set of design specifications.

Strength of Materials Lab:
To demonstrate the basic principles in the area of strength and mechanics of materials such as steel and concrete and determining stresses and strains in structural members, such as beams, columns etc., and illustrate the theory in structural analysis. Tests such as the tension tests of steel, torsion tests and bending of a steel bar are in the lab.

Concrete Technology Lab:
It deals with the Investigating of the basic properties and performance of Concrete and its component materials (cement, aggregate, admixtures, etc.) in plastic and hardened state through various experiments. It provides an environment for students to have hands on experience in proportion of concrete mix design for different exposure conditions, mixing, transporting, placing, compacting, finishing and curing of concrete.

Geotechnical Engg Lab:
Importance of soil investigations and soil testing in designing geotechnical engineering structures. Students will learn standard laboratory tests and field tests to determine soil properties and appropriate design parameters.

Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Lab:
To learn concepts of essential fluid mechanics principles, laws, observations, and models of fluids at rest and in motion and provide basis for understanding fluid behavior for engineering design and control of fluid systems.

Survey Lab:
To gain basic knowledge on various surveying and leveling instruments and their working. The available instruments include Electronic Total Station,Theodolite, Dumpy level, Automatic level, leveling staff, Plane table and its accessories, Prismatic compass, cross staff, chains, ranging rods, offset rods etc.

Environmental Engg Lab:
To teach students on how to analyze the major water and waste water quality parameters of physical, chemical and biological nature and also teaches about methods used for planning and sampling of ground and surface waters, etc and to learn how to design and do performance analysis of pipelines, hydraulic structures, drainage and sewer systems, water and waste water treatment systems.

Geology Lab:
To analyze the physical properties of minerals and rocks using some simple physical and chemical tests and identify hand samples of igneous, sedimentary rocks by their mineralogy and texture, and relate these rocks to magma composition, cooling rates, and their environment of deposition. This lab also explains volcano's throughout the world and their relationship to plate tectonics and helps to locate and identify various features on topographic maps.

Transportation and Highway Engg Lab:
To provide an opportunity for the students to understand about Urban Transportation Planning, Pavement Engineering, Airport Planning and Design, Traffic Engineering and Management and Geometric Design of Highways. The laboratory also enables students to learn about the measurement of spot speed, traffic counts, and other traffic & transport studies.

Computer Lab:
The objective of this laboratory is to teach students the skills to create 2D and 3D AutoCAD civil engineering drawings and to provide state-of-the-art training in drafting, designing, modeling and analysis packages like STAAD Pro, ETABS, ANSYS etc. and. The lab also gives training on programming languages like C, C++ and Java.

Geo-Environmental Lab:
To impart students practical knowledge about geo environmental aspects such as landfills, impoundments, waste recycling and reuse, groundwater flow and contaminant transport, and contaminated site assessment and remediation.

Structural Engg Lab:
To demonstrate and investigate experimentally the behavior of structural elements, to illustrate the structural behavior and conducting tests of structural members to destruction.

Modeling Lab:
The main objective of the GIS and RS model laboratory is that students will develop spatial reasoning skills necessary in flowcharting and implementing GIS solutions. Understanding grid-based analytical operations and fundamental approaches used in descriptive, predictive and prescriptive mapping extends existing courses in data encoding, management and software usage.

Soil Dynamic and Rock Mechanics Laboratory:
Soil Dynamics lab objective is to provide students with the basic principles of electrodynamics. Wave propagation in piles and wave propagation in layers due to earthquakes in the underlying layers are demonstrated here explaining the dynamic behavior of soil. Rock mechanics laboratory objective is to illustrate mechanical behavior of rock and rock masses and about Rock coring and grinding machines.

Educational Institutes followed and developed curriculum that existed for the purpose of instructing persons, who may choose to apply themselves, in the application of science to the common purposes of life. Applying science to everyday life requires both theory and hands-on practicum. While some institutes lend itself to classroom learning, others emphasized learning with practice in the physical laboratory. Designing a laboratory experience without clear instructional objectives is like designing a product without a clear set of design specifications.

Strength of Materials Lab:
To demonstrate the basic principles in the area of strength and mechanics of materials such as steel and concrete and determining stresses and strains in structural members, such as beams, columns etc., and illustrate the theory in structural analysis. Tests such as the tension tests of steel, torsion tests and bending of a steel bar are in the lab.

Concrete Technology Lab:
It deals with the Investigating of the basic properties and performance of Concrete and its component materials (cement, aggregate, admixtures, etc.) in plastic and hardened state through various experiments. It provides an environment for students to have hands on experience in proportion of concrete mix design for different exposure conditions, mixing, transporting, placing, compacting, finishing and curing of concrete.

Geotechnical Engg Lab:
Importance of soil investigations and soil testing in designing geotechnical engineering structures. Students will learn standard laboratory tests and field tests to determine soil properties and appropriate design parameters.

Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Lab:
To learn concepts of essential fluid mechanics principles, laws, observations, and models of fluids at rest and in motion and provide basis for understanding fluid behavior for engineering design and control of fluid systems.

Survey Lab:
To gain basic knowledge on various surveying and leveling instruments and their working. The available instruments include Electronic Total Station,Theodolite, Dumpy level, Automatic level, leveling staff, Plane table and its accessories, Prismatic compass, cross staff, chains, ranging rods, offset rods etc.

Environmental Engg Lab:
To teach students on how to analyze the major water and waste water quality parameters of physical, chemical and biological nature and also teaches about methods used for planning and sampling of ground and surface waters, etc and to learn how to design and do performance analysis of pipelines, hydraulic structures, drainage and sewer systems, water and waste water treatment systems.

Geology Lab:
To analyze the physical properties of minerals and rocks using some simple physical and chemical tests and identify hand samples of igneous, sedimentary rocks by their mineralogy and texture, and relate these rocks to magma composition, cooling rates, and their environment of deposition. This lab also explains volcano's throughout the world and their relationship to plate tectonics and helps to locate and identify various features on topographic maps.

Transportation and Highway Engg Lab:
To provide an opportunity for the students to understand about Urban Transportation Planning, Pavement Engineering, Airport Planning and Design, Traffic Engineering and Management and Geometric Design of Highways. The laboratory also enables students to learn about the measurement of spot speed, traffic counts, and other traffic & transport studies.

Computer Lab:
The objective of this laboratory is to teach students the skills to create 2D and 3D AutoCAD civil engineering drawings and to provide state-of-the-art training in drafting, designing, modeling and analysis packages like STAAD Pro, ETABS, ANSYS etc. and. The lab also gives training on programming languages like C, C++ and Java.

Geo-Environmental Lab:
To impart students practical knowledge about geo environmental aspects such as landfills, impoundments, waste recycling and reuse, groundwater flow and contaminant transport, and contaminated site assessment and remediation.

Structural Engg Lab:
To demonstrate and investigate experimentally the behavior of structural elements, to illustrate the structural behavior and conducting tests of structural members to destruction.

Modeling Lab:
The main objective of the GIS and RS model laboratory is that students will develop spatial reasoning skills necessary in flowcharting and implementing GIS solutions. Understanding grid-based analytical operations and fundamental approaches used in descriptive, predictive and prescriptive mapping extends existing courses in data encoding, management and software usage.

Soil Dynamic and Rock Mechanics Laboratory:
Soil Dynamics lab objective is to provide students with the basic principles of electrodynamics. Wave propagation in piles and wave propagation in layers due to earthquakes in the underlying layers are demonstrated here explaining the dynamic behavior of soil. Rock mechanics laboratory objective is to illustrate mechanical behavior of rock and rock masses and about Rock coring and grinding machines.

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Importance of Internships

Importance of Internships

Sakshi Education

intern is someone who works in a temporary position with an emphasis on on-the-job training rather than merely employment making it similar to an apprenticeship. Interns are usually college or university students seeking skills for a new career. Student internships provide opportunities for students to gain experience in their field, furthering their interests in a particular career and create a network of contacts of people interested in that field. Internships are generally work-based learning experiences involving students who have attended extensive college-based preparation relating to a career objective.

An internship is an agreement between a student and a company or an organization for a fixed period of time, such as a semester or a quarter. A student, normally, agrees to work for them on a specific activity and they agree to mentor and teach him; internships also offer valuable insight into a particular field or career. Although there are few companies which offer some fixed amount as stipend, of late many of the internships are unpaid. In this process many internships are organized through colleges and many companies go on to hire their successful interns full time. The students also will be willing to join as an intern because they may be absorbed into that company. India has become an important destination for international internship from several western developed countries since early 2000. Infosys is an example of quality international internship programs in India in the corporate sector for international students and youth.

Unlike most other countries, very few students in India pursue internships during their college. This is due to the fact that the education system in India is focused more on theory and on marks than on students gaining practical exposure. As a result, even companies in India do not use internships as a recruitment model, in contrast with more developed countries where internships are extensively used as a tool to recruit talent. However, this trend seems to be changing in the recent years because the students and the educational institutions seem to understand that internships provide an opportunity to work alongside professionals and learn from them, see how the theory that has been taught in the class rooms is being applied in real-life situations. In today's competitive job market it is not sufficient if a student is good enough in his subject or chosen field; he must be able to apply his knowledge and skill whenever the situation demands. This natura-lly requires more experience in the industry. This is exa-ctly where an internship is useful and makes a differ-ence. College internships are a great way to address both of those issues at the same time. Further college internships allow them to beef up their resume and make valuable industry contacts that can be essential to land in the ideal job upon completion of the course.

There are many companies offering internships. IT industry is one of the prominent one offering internships. For example, TCS had recruited 4,000 professionals in Hyderabad in 2007 and is looking at the same number this year too. 5% of its total intake comprises interns. Similarly, other software giants like IBM, WIPRO etc. are also offering internships. The details can be had from their respective websites.

Many departments in the state and central government organizations and industries are providing internship for the students to familiarize the students with the overall process and the structure of the department. Students should look into their various websites and information sources. Many companies belonging to different areas provide internship to market their products which gives the opportunity to know the current market trend.

Tips to find an internship:
There are many internship opportunities available for college students and a wide variety of resources available for the best places to find them. Here we list some possible ways and sources for finding them.

  • One of the best places to begin to search for internships is with the Career Services/Placement Office at your college. Career counselors can offer college students a variety of tips on places to find internships, especially if students are looking to work in a specific location or career field.

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